(this page so badly needs to be updated.)
i say i'm here for wordstock, but, really, i'm here to eat.
i'm also going through a dry reading spell and having difficulty focusing on words, so i'm doing as i usually do when i'm feeling uninspired and reading a lot of plath.
mother wrote today with a good letter of maxims; skeptical as always at first, i read what struck home: “if you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter - - - for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself … beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. you are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.” (sylvia plath, the unabridged journals, 215)
there were supposed to be three PDX posts, but, instead, there are two.
cross my heart, hope to die [here]
i'll keep you here [here]
san francisco.
in late 2016, my best friend moved up to the bay area, so i've been spending a lot of time in the bay area this year. i've so many photos from san francisco sitting around on my computer, but they finally made it onto a post with this particular one, my most recent trip up north when i went to see the first movie i've seen all year (and since moana last thanksgiving) and we ate dim sum and i submitted my manuscript to an agent.
(whenever i am in san francisco, there are always tartine croissants. always.)
go west [here]
a few weeks later, i went up to san francisco again to volunteer at cherry bombe jubilee.
little match girl, grown up [here]
two magical weeks in this magical country with my cousins: we drove and ate and slept in a camper van, and i'm so grateful i got to make this trip with them, to spend time with them and get to know them. next trip we must make happen together now that we've learned we travel well? spain!
mexico (kind of).
after my brother got married in april, i tagged along with my aunts and uncles for a few days in mexico, my first time south of the border, in fact. at the same time ... it's hard to say i was in mexico because we were ensconced away in a fancy resort the whole time, which was ... weird.
gender traitor, mango eater [here]
crossing the country.
i've always wanted to drive across the country, but this happened in not-so-great circumstances. it was something i needed, though, giving me a chance on the road by myself to grieve and start processing my disappointments, and, hopefully, the next time i make this trip again, it will be more along the lines of how i've always imagined.
i went to boston for one weekend in october and totally fell in love. there aren't many cities in which i can see myself living, even if it's for a few years or so, but boston is one such place. i can't wait to go back and eat more and get to know the city better.
boston [here]
california (or, really, los angeles).
i grew up here, but this place has never been home. i only started to like los angeles after i finally left and i was coming back just to visit for a few days, maybe a week or two, at a time. los angeles is a great food town, and it's a great visiting town, and i will always be back as long as my parents are here.
california (or, really, los angeles) [here]