i'm the worst at blogging, i know. i've been terrible at my monthly reviews this year, but i had to move by august 1, and everything was just so crazy that i couldn't get my book blogging brain together.
then, once i was moved and settled, my main priority has been to edit my own book with the goal of having it ready to be sent out to readers in early september. september is three days away (which also means ... three days to purity!), and i'm still optimistic that i can [sorta] hit my goal. these stories are coming along beautifully, and there's a lot of work that still needs to be done, but i'm so very proud of them -- good work was put into this book, and i love my book baby.
anyway, all that to say that, yes, i'm still here, and, yes, i'll have my july + august review up at one point, and, yes, i'll catch up on book event recaps as well (and there will be quite a bit coming from september, including bill clegg, lauren groff, jonathan franzen) (!!!). i've been doing some blogging on my personal blog, counting pulses, if you're interested in that, and i instagram like a fiend!
thanks for being patient (and still checking this site), and i'll be back soon!