this made me smile.

I can’t get rid of books. It’s almost like having your thoughts [around you]. I want to be able to hold it. I want to be able to see where the pages have been turned down. I grew up in a house full of books. Wall to wall. I remember when I moved out of home, that was the big thing I couldn’t handle: there weren’t any books. Every inch of my mum’s house is covered in them and not having any was like, ‘This is really weird. This is such a sterile space without any stories in it.’

Keira Knightley, Elle UK, 2011 March

(I quite adore this girl, but I generally can’t stand the interviews with her in mainstream magazines, despite these little teasing gems.  All the interviewers are insipid and banal and spend the greater majority going on and on about how Keira is gorgeous but ‘normal,’ and it’s irritating because, one, I find that to be incredibly narrow ‘journalism’ and, two, Keira’s more interesting than that.  Her interview with Lula in 2007 — or 2006? — is my favourite interview of hers; Lula stripped away the bullshit and simply let her talk.)