Another reading meme to whittle away some time I ought not be whittling away so freely. I forget where I got this from (as usual); apologies!
01. What kind of reader are you?
A particular one who reads with a pencil with which to mark passages I like very lightly then goes back to copy down said passages into a notebook and erase the light pencil marks. I’m also not a spine-bender, corner-folder, or book abuser or any sort — hell, I’ll tape book bindings to further their lifespan.
02. How long do you give a book?
It gets a skim of three random pages to capture my interest. If I’ve already picked it up and started to read it seriously? Maybe a quarter, maybe half, maybe five pages. Depends how indulgent and patient I’m feeling at the moment.
03. Do you crack the spine?
Refer back to Q01.
04. Books you don’t care for?
Chick lit, mystery, romance, science fiction …
05. Why do you like reading?
Why do you like breathing?
06. Hardcover or paperback?
Paperback — lighter and less nuisance of the dust jacket.
07. Do people think your book buying is weird?
I return things compulsively (this doesn’t apply only to books). People think that is weird.
08. Do covers influence you?
Yes. Covers are important, and [good] book designers fall in the ranks of people I respect because book designing is hard. Of course, that said, if I really want to read a book, I won’t let a bad cover dissuade me, but, if I’m on the fence, it can (and has been) a deal-breaker between whether I fuck it and read it, wait for the next edition, or move onto the next book on my list.
09. Read books or e-books?
Real books.
10. Could you date someone who doesn’t read?
I’d like to say, No, but we all know that’s a lie. And, yes, I do judge people according to what they do or don’t read. What people read and how they treat their books speak volumes about them.
11. Books you re-read the most?
You know, surprisingly (or not), I don’t reread very many books — or, at least, if it’s a re-read, it’s a re-read that comes a few years after the first read.
13. Funniest book you’ve ever read?
Uhm …
14. Does reading make you smarter?
Not if you’re reading Twilight. But, serious answer, it depends on the reader and how one reads. It’s like everything else in life; you take from it what you will, what you’re willing to put into it.
15. When do you read?
Whenever I can. I try to make a habit of reading while I’m eating, which worked out great when I was working but only sporadically since I’ve come back to university. Regardless, I do generally read on my own time everyday, usually in the evenings as I’m too busy napping in the library between classes during the day …