it's been a long day, and i'm exhausted, so these shall be short and snappy in list form.
- i am absolutely loving oyster books. it's convenient, beautifully designed, and easy to use, and i love it.
- thus far, in 2015, i've been reading more YA than i'm usually wont. i've also been dropping more books than i'm usually wont.
- people are paying $100 for ARCs of purity on ebay. i guess that's one way to know you've made it as an author.
- reading michael ondaatje's the english patient is like getting drunk on language.
- google new york is cray.
- i'm so behind on my monthly book recaps. o_o
- i did a really quick quasi-review of jonathan galassi's muse (knopf, 2015) on instagram, though.